




Please help me master the summary translation on Diesel

Reward points: 30 - from the end of the issue there two days 7 hours

More help me translate part also, I would like to thank the. Reads as follows:

In this paper, an enterprise in Jiangsu YZ4DE diesel engine for specific targets, systematically explore the finite element method in the structural design of the internal combustion engine application, the body of the aircraft conducted a comprehensive portfolio of in-depth finite element calculation and analysis, involving strength, stiffness, contacts, and thermal stress, thermal deformation, and many other issues ; a total of two conditions: Preload working conditions and working conditions (No. 2 cylinder outbreak); proposed deformation of the cylinder sets of evaluation indicators, mainly inspected the cylinder gasket sealing performance. In this paper, the finite element analysis technology to promote China's internal combustion engine in the structural design of practical applications will play a role in promoting.

The main contents and main conclusions are as follows:

1. The first to use PRO / E software components establishment of the body (body, cylinder head, cylinder pad, cylinder liner, the main bearing caps, Flywheel carcasses, gear Connection Board Room, Shell pump, oil pan, about mounting frame, rear axle oil blocks, etc.) 3D solid model; Then use Hypermesh software division finite element mesh to ensure a good grid quality, and better coordination of the grid between quantity and accuracy of contradictions; Finally using ANSYS software components of a body finite element analysis.

2. Preload condition, the cylinder head bolt-hole depth of deformation of the cylinder sets a great impact on the proper cylinder head bolt hole depth Shen cylinder liner to reduce the deformation. Casting on the cylinder body tube eccentric, cylinder head bolt tightening torque, and other deformation of the cylinder liner influence is not very great.

3. Working Conditions, No. 2 cylinder (the outbreak of cylinder), the cylinder sets of radial a surplus deformation of the cylinder sets a great impact on the cylinder liner reduced radial a surplus amount to reduce the deformation of the cylinder sets, the top surface of the body decreases roughness, but it will increase the body on the plane cylinder only mouth the roughness ; Preload reduced cylinder head bolt deformation of the cylinder liner little effect, the body can reduce the top surface roughness and cylinder body on the plane I ended roughness; Shen appropriate reduced cylinder head bolt hole deep can reduce the deformation of the cylinder sets, but will cause the body and the top surface roughness on the cylinder body only I roughness increases Plane .

4. Working Conditions, high-pressure cylinder pad can be enclosed gas and lubricants, but the cooling water sealing performance poor putters in the back room near the body may have leakages.

5. Work condition, the cylinder head bolts column 2,3,4 there is a big y direction of tensile stress, the main bearing canceled with the existence of large z direction tensile stress, there is a big addition found no tensile stress areas.


笔者也说不清,下面有一些资料供楼主参考,希望有用 柴油机常见故障的排除 一、柴油机常见故障 漏气;运转不稳;有敲击声;水温过高(开锅);水中有油,油中有水;有橡胶烧焦异味等各种故障时,都会伴随着产生各种不同的异常现象,如排气冒白烟、黑烟、漏水、耗油、耗水过多等,这些现象是柴油机产生故障的信号。检查时可通过自身的感官:眼看、耳听、手摸、鼻闻等接收各种故障信号,通过分析,识别故障,作出正确判断,及时排出。 二、柴油机故障诊断的原则 搞清故障现象,联系构造和原理,全面分析原因;由简单到复杂,由外表到内部;按系统分段进行筛选;找出故障的原因所在,避免盲目拆卸。 三、柴油机故障实例分析与检查方法 1、燃油路密封不严检查方法 (1)低压油路密封不严。当松开喷油泵放气螺钉,用手油泵泵油,油中混有气泡,如果持续泵油气泡能排尽,说明输油泵出口到喷油泵之间某处密封不严。这段油路内油压高于大气压,其密封不严处在柴油机工作时只会漏油,不会进气。应查出漏油处,给予修理。当手油泵泵油,而喷油泵放气螺钉松开后没有油流出或油中气泡排不尽,说明油路内吸入了空气,而空气是从油箱至输油泵进口这段油路内密封不严处吸入的。这段油路内其压力低于大气压力,空气极容易从不严处进入,引起柴油机自行灭火。可查出密封不严处,给予排除。 (2)柴油机工作无力甚至熄火,而且熄火后往往不好启动。经以上方法检查油路正常,这有可能是输油泵密封不良而引起泵油不良或不泵油,可对输油泵进行检查。方法是拧松喷油泵放气螺钉,并按下柴油机起动按钮,若放油螺钉处向外喷油,说明输油泵工作正常;若喷油不畅或不喷油,说明输油泵有故障,应予以检查排除。 (3)高压油路密封不严,某缸高压油路中有气体。气体是从柴油机气缸内沿喷油器开启时,经高压油管和出油阀进入喷油泵以及到低压油路。这种进气过程缓慢,一般柴油机工作一段时间才会灭火。再次排除油路空气后,工作一段时间又会灭火。造成这种故障的原因有两个,一是出油阀密封不良;二是喷油器密封破坏。具体用下列方法逐一判断检查: 一是出油阀偶件密封性的检查:首先拆下喷油泵高压油管接头,将油门放在停车位置,用手油泵泵油,观察是否从出油阀紧座往外溢油,若有溢油说明出油阀密封不严;若没有柴油溢出,则说明密封良好。 二是喷油器密封性检查:拆下高压油管喷油泵一端接头螺母,将高压油管接头插入盛有柴油的容器中,然后用起动机带动柴油机运转,若高压油管接头处有气泡排出,则说明喷油器密封不严,反之则说明喷油器密封良好。 2、单缸柴油机气门漏气的车上检查方法 气门漏气会造成气缸压力不足,燃烧不良,冒黑烟,柴油机功率下降,烧坏气门。检查气门漏气的方法是: (1)排气门漏气的检查方法:摇转曲轴,同时注意观察进气门的运转情况,在发现进气门将开启时,用手掌盖严排气管口,继续摇转曲轴直到进气门关闭为止,可反复几次,在此过程中,如手心有吸气感觉,说明排气门关闭不严而漏气,应进行修理。 (2)进气门漏气的检查方法:先拆下空气滤清器,摇转曲轴,当发现排气门开启时,用手按严进气管口到排气门将要关闭为止,也可反复进行多次,在此过程中,若手掌心有排气感觉,说明进气门关闭不严而漏气,应该进行修理。 3、水温过高(即开锅)故障检查方法 (1)可能产生的原因:冷却系统水量不足;风扇皮带过松或损坏;冷却系统中水垢过多,引起散热不良;水泵损坏;散热器上有油污;负荷过重;供油时间过晚;节温器失灵,冷却水不能进行大循环。 (2)查找故障原因的方法和步骤:根据柴油机故障诊断原则,先由简单、表面的原因人手,检查冷却系统是否缺水、风扇带松不松、散热器上有无污物、负荷是否过重。这些项目检查、调整后故障若没有排除,则可调整供油时间。拆下节温器后,若故障仍然存在,则进一步检查水泵,先打开水箱盖观察,若水箱内有翻动现象,说明水泵没有损坏,最后再用清洗液清洗冷却系统,使故障最终彻底排除。这样根据故障诊断原则,一步一步地查找,可避免盲目拆卸时造成不应有的损失。 四、农机修理常见错误 1、安装活塞鞘明火加温。由于活塞鞘座处较厚,其他部分较薄,明火加温后的热膨胀系数很大,容易使活塞变形。一般明火加温温度较高, 在自然冷却过程中,里边的金属组织受到破坏,因而降低了活塞的耐磨性和使用寿命。 2、更换润滑油不清洗油道。许多机手在更









